
Showing posts from May, 2017
HON.ABABU NAMWAMBA'S SPEECH DURING THE 18TH CELEBRATION OF LABOUR PARTY OF KENYA. My fellow Kenyans; I love this Land, every grain of sand, every blade of grass. What’s not to love? Everywhere we turn, we see its endless possibilities! We gather here today, pregnant with expectation, expectations for a better Kenya, for our workers, our youth, for our women. A better Kenya for every single Kenyan. Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to see each one of you here today. That ours is a nation with a rich history is well documented. I thank those who came before us, heroes of the second liberation; Jaramogi, Masinde, Shikuku, Rubia, Matiba. Patriotic Kenyans who stood tall and fought for our right to chart new paths for our people. The fight for democracy. We will remain faithful to the ideals of these forerunners. These are the ideals we’re building on today. This is true democracy in action. I am regular Kenyan guy. I was born in Jinja, Uganda to average Kenyan